Where it all

Porto Protocol is a key outcome of the Climate Change Leadership – Solutions for the Wine Industry conferences, an undertaking by all participants to adopt and promote the principles and measures established at the summits, by signing the Letter of Principles for The Porto Protocol.

Where it All Started
Who we Are

Who we

We are a global movement sharing practical knowledge to empower the wine industry to take action to mitigate climate change and promote sustainability.

Founded by Taylor’s Port, we were born out of the belief that, if we work together, share our successes and experiences, we can achieve systemic change and create a ripple effect that extends far beyond the wine industry.

We act as an open and dynamic platform of solutions and resources and a network of like-minded companies, with more than 250 members, spread across 5 continents, 20 countries, and the entire wine value chain.

We embrace this challenge with creativity and a deep sense of purpose. With a focus on collaboration and innovation, we seek to trigger action and create a community of changemakers who are committed to making a positive impact on the planet.

Taylor's Port Logo


To drive collaborative action by bringing together a network of change makers and workable climate solutions for and within the wine world.


A wine industry that leads a collaborative climate response and a business transformation for generations to come.





“I would urge you all to support this important initiative in any way you can so that together we can make a difference in tackling climate change and its growing impact on our everyday lives.”


Leader of The Porto Protocol & CEO of the Fladgate Partnership


The Porto Protocol is run by a skilled, experienced and passionate core team. These change makers are supported by a group of industry pioneers and experts from all over the world and the wine value chain, driven by the common purpose of catalyzing climate action in the wine world.

Making it Happen

Marta Mendonça

Head Manager & Impact

Cristina Crava

Head of Projects

Helping Hands

Kenn Pogash

Master of Versatility

Global Steering Committee

Diana Snowden Seysses

Domaine Dujac

Greg Jones


Nuno Gaspar De Oliveira

NBI - Natural Business Intelligence

Richard Smart

Smart Viticulture

Regional Representatives

Expert Panel

António Magalhães


Linda Johnson-Bell

Wine Writer, Author, Consultant, Magazine Editor And Founder Of Twacci (The Oxford’s Wine And Climate Change Institute)

Melissa Saunders, MW

Communal Brands

Michele Manelli

Founder & CEO

Michelle Boufard

Certified Sommelier, Dipwset & Certified Educator Founder

Miguel Cachão


Nicolas Quillé

COO and Chief Winemaker

What We Do

Connect & Build

collaborative networks of like-minded people and companies from every corner of the world, around different pivotal topics to address climate change in the wine world, such as reusable bottle schemes and soil management.

Create & Organize

events, seminars and webinars, talks, gatherings, aimed at promoting and inspiring the protection of the environment, the reduction of the impact of climate change or natural heritage.

Share & Exchange

solutions, best practices, projects, tools, initiatives, articles and studies, either produced by the foundation, shared by our members, and/or national or international institutions, aimed at reducing the impact of climate change.

Impact AREAS


Restoring ecosystems

Biodiversity one of the planet boundaries reaching a tipping point and viticulture contributes to one of its weaknesses, monoculture.


Unpacking Wine

Packaging is the element that contributes to the carbon footprint of wine, and the way through which wine production impacts environment the most.

Seeding the

Seeding the future

“Where do I start?” is a question companies ask themselves when starting a sustainability strategy, and certainly the most difficult to answer.

Saving every

Saving every drop

Water is a growingly scarce resource of which wine is dependent and is producers’ primary concern independently of their wine region.

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